Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My epic night out

I am in teh coffeehouse: dusty brocade sofas, leftover Christmas lights on the walls, free wifi, weekly open mic, outstanding (Original Sin) hard cider, and a sign over the bar: "No Pissy Attitudes". Welcome to the College Perk. Tonight's entertainment: The Glad Version. Last week I knew I'd found some signs of life here when a dreadlocked 50-something played strange beats on a portable keyboard, mumblsinging what I eventually recognized as "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum." Then someone plugged in a projector and showed a strange short film he'd made. I hope heaven is a little bit like this. Meanwhile, I think I'll make this a regular hangout on my weekly Epic Night Out.

ENO is a new tradition chez nous, instituted by my lovely wife: she's taken a night out each week for a few months now; me I'm just starting out. The "E" is reminiscent of my first week, which was anything but epic: I crisscrossed the county looking for something to do; finally settling for an overpriced latte at Borders Books near closing time. But I'm getting better at this. We'll see how it evolves; I've been trying to find time away to read, write, pray, reflect, meet with folks, and take in some culchah ... and this may be part of the answer.

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