Friday, November 03, 2006

Better late than never: John Franke @ Emergent Baltimore

I've been meaning to comment on John Franke's Oct. 18 dinner talk in Ellicott City. Surprisingly, it appears no-one else has (?) so maybe this is still of interest. Dr. F. said a lot of good things; but what stood out for me was an interpretation of I Cor. 12 applied to the universal church, not just a local congregation -- e.g., the Presbyterians cannot say to the Baptists, "I don't need you," etc. (As Randy would say, "Some Assemblies of God Required.") But then Dr. F. took a further step, and applied those verses to the "emerging conversation" as well, challenging us to use our peculiar insights &c. to be a blessing to more traditional churches, rather than just going our separate ways. He said it better, of course.
Next speaker: Pete Rollins. I hope to finish reading his dense little book in time.

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