Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A preview?

... Wherein we outline some of the posts that will appear here soon:
- Things to fix
- John Franke and I Cor. 12
- Looking back at Crave, V.1
- "Head story" du jour: Charles, the nerdy Cabbage
- Impressions of Pete Rollins' book
- Reflections on Ecclesiastes and meaninglessness
- Cleverest song lyrics EVER
Posting this is of course meant to force a more frequent blogging habit -- rats, only three posts in October! (Now 4 :-) Well, after enjoying all these great blogs (and many more), at least I'm giving back a little. It's a start.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Christians who don't do anything

I"m still chewing on the last part of Matthew 7, in which Jesus gives the parable of the wise and foolish builders. Funny, in all the times I'd heard this, until recently I'd missed what the "rock" represented. Jesus says, "everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." So sure, "build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ," as the Sunday school song says; but more specifically, the "foundation" emphasized here is not my knowledge of him (or about him), or his faithfulness to me, etc.; but whether and how I live out his words (esp. the sermon on the mount, Matthew 5-7). I guess it makes sense: the things I feel surest of are those I've acted on in word or deed. Anyway, in reading this parable to Diesel at bedtime a few days ago, I suddenly thought of the Veggie Tales Pirates: they do none of the things pirates do so are they really pirates? Slowly a spoof started to form in my mind...

We are the Christians Who Don't Do Anything!
We're just chosen to lie around.
And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you:
We don't do anything.

Well I space out in my small group and I tend to shrug off scripture,
and I've never prayed in tongues, in fact I rarely pray at all,
but I read books on theology and wonder 'bout the rapture
and debate predestination and the fall.


And I never feed the hungry and I never preach in taverns
and I've never emulated St. Augustin or St. Paul,
Yet my favorite occupation is to say "you're all just moderns"
and debate predestination and the fall.


I don't trust denominations; sometimes I'd like to be Amish
But I've never gone two days without a Skype IP phone call
So I'd better stay the course and keep the status quo I cherish
And debate predestination and the fall.
= = = = = = = = = =

Obviously a work in progress. I'm no poet but such is the impact of blogging...

Friday, October 20, 2006

Now that's an exotic lamp

Upon reading news of a meteorite discovered in Kansas weighing 154 lbs., something about it sounded familiar. Sure enough, in recent online furniture shopping I'd seen a reproduction Arco Lamp, whose base (ostensibly granite but who knows??) weighed exactly ... 154 lbs. Coincidence?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

People in glass houses

- by Madeleine L'Engle

I build my house of shining glass
of crystal
light, clear,
The wind blows
Sets my rooms to singing.
The sun's bright rays
are not held back
but pour
their radiance through the rooms
in sparkles of delight.

And what, you ask, of rain
that leaves blurred muddy streaks
across translucent purity?
What, you ask,
of the throwers of stones?

Glass shatters,
sharp fragments pierce my flesh,
darken with blood.
The wind tinkles brittle splinters
of shivered crystal.
The stones crash through.

But never mind.
My house
My lovely shining
fragile broken house
is filled with flowers
and founded on a rock.
(I'd typed this up but never got to use this in our last Crave [related to Matthew 7:24-27] so here it is.)